...and baby makes THREE
PitaPata Dog tickers

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Meet Eve, our first (and hopefully only) baby kitty

Eve was rescued by a friend who found her wandering and crying through a field south of Columbus.  She was skinny and covered in burrs.  Lauren fattened her up and gave her a good bath.  I saw the pictures of her and was afraid to look at her because I knew I wouldn't be able to resist.  I did a lot of research and thinking, but decided (with James' approval) to bring her home this past Wednesday.

The dogs can't get enough of her, and well, she's had enough of them.  She holds her own against them though!  It's fun to have my first cat and see all the goofy things cats do.  I'm glad the dogs have entertainment also.  Here are a few pictures of Eve.


Kim said...

OMG she is adorable! Now you have another female in the house!

Tiffany said...

Exactly Kim! And she's a princess too ;)